About Us
UTMT Society works in tribal areas in Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh in India.
As of 2019, we have our presence in 175+ villages spread across 14 districts.

UTMT Society founded in 2009 is registered under the Societies Act and the Maharashtra Public Trust Act. UTMT Society promotes beekeeping with indigenous bees like "Apis cerana indica" and Trigona to increase agricultural productivity and enhance biodiversity, incomes and livelihoods of marginal farmers in India.
Four out of five foods we eat – fruits, vegetables, pulses and oilseeds – require bees for pollination. Honey bees are the most important among all pollinators. Through its work with indigenous bees, UTMT Society seeks to improve biodiversity management and ecosystem services for small holders, a cost effective way to adapt to climate change. This is particularly important for India’s small and marginal farmers, who comprise 86% of India’s farmers.
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A Day Spent with Atar Singh ji
April 5th, 2019
Bee cause
March 29th, 2019Picture Courtesy: Manila...